Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I'm starting a blog!!!

Well what do you know. My sister is actually good for something. She can get me set up with a blog. I'm guessing my life was missing something before now that I must have a blog to keep me up on my internet fashion and know-how. I guess this will be a good thing. I've always wanted to write a children's book, but since I never seem to come up with anything clever for a book I might as well just put my wasted thoughts into something like this. LOL Who knows, maybe after typing a million pages over the years, I can one day print all my entries and title it for a book. My brain is actually already storming ideas for future entries of life through my eyes and my daughters...and a few other people I know. I hope whoever reads this is blessed and maybe sometimes inspired.


At 7:11 PM, Blogger Tarisa said...

Yea you! I love the background! Glad I could help.

At 6:56 AM, Blogger Cari said...

Yea!! More blog now! Where is it? I'm waiting...as soon as you figure out how to put pics on it you could have a really great blog...like your American Girls pics! You have a real live American Girl at your house!! LOVE ya!


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