Baptists Dancing?!

Yes! It is true, my daughter, a baptist, is dancing, and I love it. I was looking at the pictures I took of Takyra's Halloween party at school and I loved the innocence captured. That music was echoing in the gym and these kids couldn't help but dance.
I remember growing up not even knowing how to dance. When the kids at school talked about the upcoming school dances, I was already embarrassed I didn't get to go at all, but even more so that even if I did go I would have no clue what to do. As an adult, who has been dancing, I am so self conscious, and I worry what others think of my dancing. Would that be different had I been dancing my whole life and been allowed to do so in front of friends?
So I look at my daughter. She feels a beat and her hips start swaying and her head is bopping. "You go girl!" It has nothing to do with impressing anyone. She is out there just feeling the music go through her body. She is dancing oldies moves that are adorable and yet she doesn't care or even know that they are "out of date." Yes, she did the mashed potato, the swim, the backstroke, and she held her nose and wiggled down to the ground. Most of all, she had a blast doing them all. I watched her and I wondered how that must feel. Absolute freedom! Just living that moment and allowing herself innocent joy of dance.
I love my God. I love to see my daughter enjoy herself in a way that is not degrading or disrespectful of God. In the Bible they danced before God and rejoiced! I pray my daughter continues to dance for joy.
Put in a little tune and let your feet move from the ground. Be a kid again. Have no cares, no worries, just happiness through the beat.
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I've seen you dance and as your sister I would just like to say how jealous I am of the fact that you and Kyra seem to have gotten all the rhythm in the family. :-D
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