must be Spring!

The one picture is of Takyra and Boomer last week. Sunday, they called off the evening services after learning we had a huge snow storm headed our way. It was supposed to be here by 3pm Sunday and it was supposed to bring many inches of snow. Schools and businesses prepared for closures. Don't you know that if youplan for something, it never happens like you expect. it's only when you aren't prepared that something big happens. it rained all evening and turned to snow around 8 pm. Even so, it snowed all day Monday. Businesses were open and schools were just delayed an hour. When Takyra got home from school, she played with the neighbors and I took her adn her friend Matt over to the hill close by the house. Takyra thought it would be fun to have Boomer pull her down the hill with her on the sled. He didn't like that idea too much. He'd prefer catching snowballs. They played on their sled sand snowboards for awhile, then decided to go down on a sled together. Bad idea as they hit the fence and Matt's back hit a big post. He was hurting the whole way home. Luckily, there was no major damage and he bounced back like every other 9-year-old boy. Snow always come right at Springtime. I'll take it soe long as I don't have to drive in it.
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