Time Flies!

Takyra is already on her first break of school. Since she is in year round school she has 4 breaks throughout the year. This is a 3 1/2 week break. She has already been in school for 9 weeks. CRAZY!
Yesterday she dealt with some bullies. Takyra went out for morning recess and snack time. She left her food where she had been sitting and decided to go play for a little while. Whlie playing she noticed some older girls had her food and she went to tell them it was hers. The girls ran off with her food and she chased them, teling them it was hers. They decided to make a gameof it and tossed the food back and forth in a game of keep away. Takyra's food ended up all over the playground and I got a call saying I needed to bring her some lunch. " I don't think so!!!" My response was that the two 5th graders that thought it would be fun to take her food should have to pay for her lunch and the families should be aware of the actions, and consequences of their daughters' actions.
The day ended on a good note and now Takyra can live the next 3 1/2 weeks bully free.
I have just had both my big toes worked on ( ingrown toenails) and am hobbling around everywhere. Once I can stand to wear regular shoes again, we'll be heading back to Six Flags and making me queezy on the roller coasters. Takyra is a die hard fan of thrill rides while I have lost my touch and stomach for them. Who knew?
I'm jsut trying to live life day by day and trying to slow it down a little. I cna't believe we are in the final stretch of the year. From here on out there are holidays and functions that make the rest of the year fly by. I'm not ready for Takyra to turn 9, but I have no control over that.
man time flies!!!