Saturday, May 16, 2009

We finally got a Helton!!!

We've been Rockies fans for a long time now. My daughter was born into being a fan. At 6 months of age Neifi Perez signed the butt of her little outfit and posed for a picture. 4 years later, he signed a ball glove of hers and posed for another picture. 1 week later he was traded.
There were a few years where Tuki didn't care if she got an autograph or not. These past few years have been quite the opposite though. Oh what a sad day it was when she found out Matt Holliday had been traded. She now says Oakland is her favorite team because of him. She never got a Holliday autograph, but that would have been sweet for her.
The one that has caused us the most pain and frustration is Todd Helton. He's been with the team for awhile, and people seem to flock when he comes to the side to sign. A couple of years ago, we were in a bad spot at the end of a long line of fans. It seemed we'd have no luck getting any of the players down where we were. As luck would have it, Helton decided to start at that end. Tuki was right down front right up against the railing. The next thing I new, kids and adults were crowding around and I could no longer see my daughter. People were pushing and shoving. Todd was telling the kids to quit hitting his arm in hopes of an autograph. I was pulling people off my daughter as I could now she she was squished underneath a small crowd. I went into mommy panic mode. Todd had enough with everyone and walked off. The crowd dissipated and my daughter was in tears. Partly because her hips were bruised from being crushed against the railing, but mostly because all that pain didn't even get her a Helton. I was frustrated that greedy people don't care who they hurt physically, so long as they get what they're after. I think my daughter felt the same way.
Last year we tried for autograph's and I learned to stand right behind my daughter with my mommy elbows ready to backfire on anyone ready to lunge. We had no luck.
This year, we finally went to a week day game. We figured out the key to autograph's. Go on a slow day and stand right by the dugout. First we got Ianetta to sign Tuki's baseball. Next was Stewart. Oh there's Helton in the dugout. He ran out and waved to the fans at the rail, then went on his way to stretch and warm up. About 15 minutes later, oh wait, is he walking this way? I think he is. He'll probably turn to the dugout last minute. Nope he's coming right toward us. He started a couple of people down and worked toward my daughter. All the fans were so polite. Tuki got her autograph and I asked for a photo op for her and what do you know. No one got injured or got their feelings hurt in the obtaining of this coveted autograph and picture. Success!!! We got a Helton!!!
The last autograph was with Fowler. He also warmed up first, but once he was finished, it seemed he picked Tuki out of the crowd, because he ran straight to her for the autograph. ( I think it's a black thang. He saw a little sista and thought he'd give her his first autograph of the night.
To top it off, the Rockeis won. Helton got a home run and Stewart got a grand slam. I think it had to do with my baby having contact with them before the game. I'll forever believe that as fact.

I have nothing to wear!!!

How many times have I heard that phrase? Too many. There's nothing like a constantly messy room and a garage sale to bring out the truth. It wasn't that she had nothing to wear. She had option overload and her poor little brain couldn't decide from the millions of choices. So, we weeded out more than half her wardrobe to make life easier.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

To any moms who happen across this blog, "Happy Mother's Day!" I remember at age 16 my mom would ask me what I want to do in life. "I want to be a mom." That's not a job, she would tell me, and again ask what I wanted to do after school. " I want to be a mom!" That is what I wanted. During the few years before I gave birth to my daughter, I had this recurring dream of me playing with a little girl. I was sitting at the end of the bed and she was sitting on my lap. I would lean her back and ask her, "Do you love me?" She would giggle and say "NO!" I would lean her back again and ask, "Do you love me?" Again she would giggle and respond with "NO!" A third time I would repeat, "DO you love me?", and she would hug me and say "I love you mommy." I knew that was my future daughter. I had told a friend of mine about that dream, and in my third month of pregnancy, before the ultrasound, I stated that I knew it was a girl and it was the girl in that dream. I never again had that dream.
I don't know if I'm meant to have anymore children. If I meet the right man and if God has it in His plan for a larger family for me, then I am all for it. I do want more, but I am more than blessed to have my "dream girl."
That dream kind of symbolizes my relationship with my daughter. We giggle and joke and it always comes back to love. In a time when I was being young and independent, I did get caught up in a moment and that moment had nothing to do with love, but the end result was love in pure form. There are so many days I wonder why, when I was so far from praising and pleasing God, He chose to bless me with such perfection. Thank you God for allowing me to be a mother. Most of all, thank you for the perfect gift of my daughter! God is Love!