May the Force Meow!!

I have realized I have put everything about me, myself, and my daughter on this blog, but I've excluded a few family members. Our newest members are the Skywalkers. Anakin and Amidala (okay in the movie her first name is Padme) are our kittens of teenage mentality. Anakin, who is actually the runt of the litter, is now very muscular. He is the independent explorer. He checks everything out and okays the trouble he and Amidala are about to get into. Amidala on the other hand, is my little love bug. Yes, I call her all kinds of cutesy names. She loves to greet me on the bathroom cabinet. I can barely brush my teeth without her butting in for my attention and affection. She nuzzles me as if to say "Pet me NOW!!" Anakin sees all this affection for Amidala and then he decides that maybe he's not so independent that he can't jump on my lap and receive a good scratch behind the ear.
Boomer, our retriever mix, had no clue what to do with the tiny, bite sized creatures that entered our house in July. He learned that they weren't edible, by the famliy standards. Amidala still doesn't trust him. She thinks that a man of his size and nature must be out to get her. I am learning I should take after her a little. She exercises caution around such men, and knows to stand back. If he approaches, she stands her ground and let's him know he can "talk to the paw." Anakin took a couple of introductions to Boomer before he realized Boomer's tail is an awesome cat toy, and the dog attached isn't so bad either. Boomer usually lays on the ground when the cats are in the room so that he isn't so scary to them. Anakin pushes all the buttons by playing with Boomer's tail and paws. Before long Boomer is up and trying to figure out how to play with such a small animal. About all he has learned to do with Anakin is just jump back and have that playful expression while wagging his tail. There is still the confusion as to how he can actually play with Anakin so he just push his wet nose into Anakin's side and pushes him around a bit. Anakin loves this and takes it as cue to latch onto Boomers face. Amidala, clings to me and watches her brother with fascination,never daring to try it herself.
So there you have it. I have officially included the whole family in my blog.
AAWWW!! Your little fur family!!
Okay, enough of the force! Cari ragged me so now I'm ragging you. Write more and send more pics! That's an order. Or a really strongly felt request anyway.
I commented on Cari's blog that we need to start up a new dictionary made solely from word verification words. The one for this comment is "dwonndbj". I wouldn't know how to go about pronouncing it much less coming up with a definition. Gorsh!
A dwonndbj is a muffin made from berries and twigs indigenous to Madagascar. Or something in Egypt. You eat them with a ryggr, which is my wv for this blog!!
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