Thursday, November 17, 2005

Trials and Triumph

How many times have I cried over the things that God hasn't given me? Too many. I have had several days where I have asked God, "Why am I not worthy of receiving good things in life?" We all have our days of down. Then I am emailed an update on Jennifer Mahoney. I am in awe of the faith and strength the family has in the middle of what most people would consider the end of the world for them. They are inspiring.
Yesterday, I was cutting a little girls hair and I noticed she had a bruise on her cheek and she was broken out in a rash. Turns out she has major eczema. While talking to her mom I found out the girl has major issues with asthma too. Her last asthma attack had her coughing so hard she broke the blood vessels in her cheek, that explains the bruise. Her rash is from her allergy to the sun. If she is in the sun for very long her skin turns bright red with bumps all over it and she itches like mad. She had been scratching her arm and I lifted the haircutting cape to find her arm was bright red. She had just walked from the car to the salon and this had happened. To top it off, mom then shares with me that she is 6 weeks pregnant. I congratulated her, but she then informed me that she isn't sure she will be able to keep it as she has had many miscarriages. Her response to the whole situation involving the miscarried babies and that of her daughter with her medical problems. "God has reasons for it all and I just have to trust He knows what he is doing." I have told people that before. " God has a reason for it." But to hear it from someone else who has so much going on, it's a slap of wake-up. I pray God does give her this baby. I am honored that a fellow Christian is able to use her tragedy and turn it into triumph by praising God through it all.
So, when I hear these stories, I look back at my whining and realize how selfish I can be. Does it mean that my prayers are insignificant compared to these? NO. It just means I need to take a step back and realize life could be so much worse, but even if it is worse, God has His reasons and is worthy of praise through it all.


At 7:42 AM, Blogger Tarisa said...

I know of the things you desire and the pain of not getting them. I also know that you are strong and with God's help, will overcome. I feel the same way about my troubles and worries sometimes. I step back and see that it's really not so bad comparatively speaking. What I really like about both of us though is the fact that we do step back and our compassion for others comes through. How many people today, do you think, would meet a woman and child like you mentioned and continue to bemoan their own lot in life without giving them a second thought. You've got a good and loving heart. And you with kids everyday. That's got to count for something. :-D

My word verification word? Difei. The act of going against someone's wishes. (Just spelled incorrectly) :-)

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Cari said...

My word is uexfwsus. That's when you used to be an ex-fwsus. Which would mean you are once again a fwsus. Or else it's the University of exfwsus. I forget which, but I used to know.

Great blog...apply it!! Believe it! I love Tim's blog where it says you don't believe what you say you believe what you do. DO IT!! Tell Tarisa I'm so glad she explained her joke as if we were idiots who thought that we really spelled difei that way. Besides, it's a chinese dish, not going against someone's wishes. Igit.

whoops...tried to send without putting in the word verification! Now I have another...eltqjs, which is latin for "hey, dummy...put in your word verification"


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