Feel the Love

Well, I have just read Tarisa's and Cari's blogs. Wow! First of all, let's put some happy in this blog. It snowed here a couple of weeks ago and I caught a great picture of Takyra and Boomer. She was so happy to get to play out in the snow and I let Boomer out front to join her. Boomer loves to catch snowballs in his mouth. It is way better than his regular chew toys being thrown to him. My babies are so cute!!!
Second, if you see Sky High, the movie, one of the characters is from our church. His younger brother used to be Takyra's "boyfriend" Ben. Both Aaron and Ben Leddick are out in L.A. pursuing acting and producing careers. Aaron was recently offered a role for a film, but he did not agree with the content, as it went against his Christian values, and turned it down. Yea them!
As for the whole Christmas hoopla! Does Target have religious cards in their card section? Just food for thought. I know Walmart has Christian products. I was looking at keychains the other day and there was a whole section of keychains with religious sayings. Yea Walmart! Yes, I have bought my daughter Christmas presents. Yes, one came from Target. ( Hey it was cheap). So, why not shop at the Christian stores? Give them your business. I have received several emails from different people about all the things we Christians need to be "shouting" about. I remember the rally we went to as a youth group boycotting abortion. It was at the Oklahoma State Capitol Building, and we all had our sweatshirts with all the facts about unborn fetus' that make them human. Across from our rally, on the opposite corner were supporters of abortion, yelling and screaming. I know we were celebratory in our cause to fight abortion, but I don't remember standing up there yelling out and screaming my point of view to win the cause. In my last entry I commented on the strengths of people who have so many obstacles in their life, and yet they continue to give God all the glory. They aren't shouting their beliefs of "PRAISE GOD EVEN WHEN YOU ARE IN YOUR DARKEST MOMENTS!!!" They are peaceful examples of how we as Christians should live our lives. When you walk into the mall, do you like to be bombarded by sales people? "Buy this!" "Try this, you'll love it!" Don't we like the people who are respectful of our space and then find the opportune time to approach us and make a pitch? My point, yes, we need to act as Christians and get this country and the rest of the world back to the basics of God. BUT, if we start parading and shouting, we are going to turn more people away. There is a time for everything. Petition, petition, petition.
Regardless of what the Democrats of this nation think. I am honored to have a president who has such great morals and religious beliefs. I am not terribly worried about the atheists of the world while he is in office because I know he will not allow God to be taken out of our nation. Yes, we need to assure ourselves that once he is out of office the next president will not ban religious beliefs altogether.
Atheists need to place their money in their wallets face up and not turn the bills over(coins face down, I think). They can ask that their children be allowed to hold their ears during the pledge of allegiance at school. Guess what! The children of atheists probably don't mind saying the Pledge of Allegiance with the word God in it. We as Christians need to educate our children that not all people have the same beliefs as us, and that we are not wrong for our beliefs being different from theirs.
I love that there are still so many people who praise God. There are still so many more who need to know what the celebration is all about.
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