She's tall! She's gorgeous! I'm her mom, I get to brag!

My baby won't stop growing! She gets taller and taller and smarter and smarter everyday ( book smart that is. The common sense is still lacking). Tonight they had so much fun in gymnastics. Since they did all their testing last week, they got a fun day this week. They had races where they saw who could go the furthest walking on their hands. They did the little sommersault thing where you grab your friends ankles and keep doing sommersaults. They did some other ones that are way to hard to explain and even if I did they might sound to X-rated for this site. (No they weren't bad just the description would sound so) Takyra would stand in front of the instructor and do her form just as the instructor told her and as soon as the instructor looked away Takyra could care less about form and just hurried to get to the end of the mat. This happened most with back walkovers. I got dizzy watching her. They had a relay race into the foam pit. It's a pit full of foam sqaures and it's quite a workout to get through. The first two times they raced, Takyra's team was way behind and she was the last person for her team. Both times she made a comeback and won it for her team. YOU GO GIRL! then the instructor thought it was unfair and moved the other teams fast girl back with Takyra. Hey now! So someone must have said something about it because they moved Takyra up in her group. Guess what! She was still fast and made up enough time that even though their slowest person was last they still won! Yea! Hercules! Hercules! My baby! Yes, I am the competitive mom up in the stands. Most of the videos of her gymnastics have me commentating, saying " My kid's better than your kid!" I won't be starting any fights any time soon...hopefully never and I don't have the shirt with her picture on it, but I just might have to make one now that I have these great pictures of her.
I had always thought my kids would play softball and baseball. Even thought Takyra can bat both right and left handed, she can't catch a ball to save her life. Her throwing isn't much better. Her asthma is too bad for soccer, and she was never really into Tae kwondo. ( The only sport I could think of at the time that wouldn't cause her asthma to flare up) So, we lucked out that one day we saw the new gym being built down the street from us. She always did cart wheels during Tae kwondo. Why not? I kind of get to live my dreams through her, but not really. I remember watching the Olyimpics and wanting to do gymnastics. i remember trying to teach myself a back handsrping up in my room, using my mattress as padding. Luckily, I didn't break my neck that day, but I still remember the stinging pain and the fear that I might have.
Takyra still lacks the feminie grace that most gymnasts have, but she's having fun and looks so cute out there. One day, she might be an Olympic gymnast. The only other sport we figure she'll qualify for is the halfpipe since she loves the snowboard. Whether she achieves either of those or not, I'm not worried. She gorgeous and she's smart and she'll make it in this world no matter what!