
Happy Halloween!!! I went to Takyra's school and helped out with the Halloween party this afternoon. A lot of fun, but I started losing my voice again due to calling out the bingo names. Yes names. They did Halloween Bingo. They made dirt pudding with gummy worms. Unfortunately the other moms and the teacher have no clue about Takyra's sensitivity to seeing gross things. Luckily I realized just in time and looked at Takyra to see her watching the boy across from her eating the concoction. She started gagging so I ran and got her and kept her from looking at anyone with the pudding mix. After everyone finished their treats Takyra was able to join the party again.
We ran home and got ready for Takyra's gymnastics class. We were under the impression she was testing up today. Well, she tested, but she won't get her certificate for a few weeks. That's okay by us. We have a spot reserved on the wall for it though. Even so, I couldn't help but laugh at her. She was so goofy a few times and it's as though everything she has worked so hard to learn has suddenly leaked out of her brain. Then she would get it and did a great job.
Takyra decided that next year she wants to be an evil spirit gymnast. Since tonight was Halloween, we decided to go ahead and make her an evil spirit gymnast and then she just looked beat up in the BDU's after. She ended up telling everyone at gymnastics that she fell off the beam a few too many times.
When we got home, we changed her into the BDU costume. We went out Trick-or-Treating and decided to go a little further than usual in the neighborhood. Around the corner from our house, is a house that has been decorated for awhile. It was kind of creepy. I talked Takyra into going up to the door before we even approached the house. As we got closer, I noticed a new decoration. A creepy masked man leaning up against the garage. I shined the flashlight in his eyes and he didn't move, but I told Takyra to go to the next house because that thing was real. I was spooked. We kept looking at him but he didn't move. Once we were close to the next house he finally moved and tried to give her candy. She was about to bawl. I had to get the candy for her. I warned everyone with small kids about the house, but it was a lot of fun standing across the street watching the teens go over. He stayed on her mind and once we went around to a darker street, she was ready to head home. She is scared to go anywhere in the house alone now. I see a night with a little girl in my bed.
Happy Halloween!